Often the details of what a company does overwhelms its ability to clearly tell its story. Find out how to effectively navigate this common challenge.
Organizations of all sizes pass through what I’ve identified as five challenging Milestones of Messaging. One of the most common occurs when the details of what a company does overwhelms its ability to clearly tell its story. We refer to this milestone as Lost in the Logistics.
As companies grow, they naturally expand programs, develop new services, and increase their reach. In the process, inspiring organizational messaging is often reduced to reporting an inventory of capabilities and lengthy details of what services are offered and how they work. The passion behind the organization’s purpose gets lost, with the result being just pushing out a lot of information with little effect. That’s because the why of what a company does is where the emotion of its story lives.
To find your way clear, first, assume a 30,000 foot view. Projecting the unique essence of your organization as a means of differentiation requires, in part, assuming a higher perspective to insightfully articulate your company’s position in the marketplace. Is there room for substantiating statistics in effective messaging? When woven into story as evidence for how an organization is fulfilling its purpose, yes. When presented as emotionless numbers, no.
Next, reconnect with the emotion of your organization’s purpose. Scientific research has determined that emotion is biologically indispensable to our ability to make decisions. It motivates action and causes us to retain information. Reconnecting with the why for your company begins with exploring the needs that existed for it to be formed in the first place. Then, articulating the beliefs that drive the solutions it delivers.
Taking these two steps will go a long way in lifting your company’s communications to a higher level of impact and successfully navigating the common challenge of being lost in the logistics.
I’m Kelli Newman and this has been a Minute with Messaging™. For past episodes of a Minute with Messaging, and to learn how your organization can benefit from Newman & Newman strategies, visit our website at NEWMANandNEWMANinc.com.